Receiving an error on mobile forms when trying to start a process. I have access

Receiving an error on mobile forms when trying to start a process. I have access to the process via the portal and it works fine. Attached a pic...



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  • This will happen if you forgot the following mount/directive in your web server configuration:

    a) For Apache (mod_jk.conf)

    JkMount /suite/rest/* LoadBalancer

    b) For IIS (


    When this happens, you can login with the mobile App but when starting an action, even if the user has the right privileges granted you will get the following error:

    "You may not have permission to complete this action"

    Make sure to add the missing mount/directive and restart your web server.
  • Also take a look at your application-server.log if you see the error below it will mean that the "Action not available. You may not have permission to complete this action " error's root cause is that your environment is running Java JDK 7, while Appian is certified to work with JDK 6 only as specified in the System Requirements Guide:

    2013-01-11 12:24:49,789 [http-] ERROR com.atlassian.plugin.servlet.DefaultServletModuleManager - Unable to create filter
    com.atlassian.util.concurrent.LazyReference$InitializationException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/script/Bindings
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/script/Bindings
    at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)
    2013-01-11 12:24:50,355 [http-] ERROR com.appiancorp.ap2.PortalResponse - Error: 404 Message: /suite/rest/a/model/latest/1073/form
  • If thisis the case please uninstall JDK 7, reinstall JDK6 ( and set your JAVA_HOME variable to the newly installed JDK 1.6

    You can easily confirm this is the root cause by executing in the command prompt: java -version