Hi, I have modified Navigation Tab (System -> Default Admin Pages > P

I have modified Navigation Tab (System -> Default Admin Pages > Primary Navigation) and it seems I did it wrong cause now I am not able to access "System" tab and it says that "You do not have sufficient privileges to perform the requested action".
What I did was the following:
1. I have opened System -> Default Admin Pages > Primary Navigation and clicked "Add new".
2. I have filled in the following data:
Tab label: Admin
Key: admin
Link to: /admin
3. Saved the changes.
After refreshing the application I can see "Admin" tab but can't access it (but what is more important I can't access "System" tab).
The reason of this modification was to have "Admin" page (/suite/admin) visible in the designer.
Please advice how to fix this.



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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Navigate through Default Community -> System Knowledge Centre -> Priority Icons
    Here you will find navigation-config.xml which can be modified directly to make changes but be careful as any corruption may cause issues like the one you are experiencing. You should be able to go back to a previous version to restore you access to the System tab.
    I would also note that you shouldn't be embedding the /suite/admin page within your portal environment
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    Navigate through Default Community -> System Knowledge Centre -> Priority Icons
    Here you will find navigation-config.xml which can be modified directly to make changes but be careful as any corruption may cause issues like the one you are experiencing. You should be able to go back to a previous version to restore you access to the System tab.
    I would also note that you shouldn't be embedding the /suite/admin page within your portal environment
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