This is not a question but trying to share my experiences for anyone else having

This is not a question but trying to share my experiences for anyone else having to deal with similar issues.

Issue #1: you are trying to deploy Appain V7.9 with JBoss EAP 6.4 in Windows 8.1 environment. You have downloaded JBoss EAP 6.4 ZIP and unziped the contents into a folder and declared that folder as your JBOSS_HOME environement variable. on configure.bat promts, you have given that folder path as well. configure.bat says deployment to jboss is successful, but you will find nothing gets deployed. Checked configure.log, and files deployed is empty. Then you realized that with 6.4, Hotfix A need to be applied. You are seeing same behavior even after deploying Hotfix A after following all the directions. Checked configure.log and see that configure script is still trying to copy files from <repository>/jboss-eap-6.3.
Resolution: delete <APPIAN_HIME>\\_admin\\_scripts\\configure\\.configure file and also <reposity> folder. Now t...



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  • ...ry again, you will be prompted to use 6.3 or 6.4. from here onward no issues.

    Issue # 2: you get an error message
    Caused by: HornetQException[errorType=NOT_CONNECTED message=HQ119007: Cannot connect to server(s). Tried with all available servers.]
    Resolution: verify firewall settings (in my case, McAfee settings) and add port 5445 and 5455 to allow all PCs to communicate

    Issue # 3: you get an error message
    2015-06-05 04:27:43,772 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 75] ERROR - error initializing client
    com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.exceptions.AppianException: The search server cannot be reached. Failed to connect to server at [localhost:9300]
    Resolution: (a) check if you have started <APPIAN_HOME>\\search-server\\bin\\start.bat (b)verify firewall settings (in my case, McAfee settings) and add port 9300 to allow all PCs to communicate

    Issue # 4: you get an error message
    "deployment" => "suite.ear")]) - fai...
  • ...lure description: "JBAS014803: Duplicate resource [(\\"deployment\\" => \\"suite.ear\\")]"
    11:14:05,854 ERROR [] (Controller Boot Thread) "JBAS014784: Failed executing subsystem deployment-scanner
    boot operations"
    11:14:05,856 ERROR [] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS014612: Operation ("parallel-subsystem-boot") failed -
    address: ([]) - failure description: "\\"JBAS014784: Failed executing subsystem deployment-scanner boot operations\\""
    Resolution: for some reason your <repository>\\bin\\jboss\\jboss-eap-6.4\\modules does not have a folder for your RDBMS module.xml and <driver .jar> file. copy them from a working JBoss folder or ask for these specific files on forum. These files are pretty standard and does not have any specific file paths. So, you can safely copy from any environment, any machine any user.

    Issue # 5: would like to setup your gmail account for email handler
    Resolution: (...
  • ... a) have the following minimum properties in your <repository>/ear/suite.ear/conf/
    conf.mailhandler.ntf_sndr_addr=<gmail user id>
    conf.mailhandler.mail.user=<gmail user id>
    (b) have the following property in <repository>/ear/suite.ear/conf/
    conf.password.SMTP=<gmail password>

    Issue # 6: you gave a wrong path for JBoss foler for configure.bat prompt. after that each time you execute configure.bat file, old path or wrong path is used.
    Resolution: Quit configure.bat and then edit <APPIAN_HIME>\\_admin\\_scripts\\configure\\.configure file to change the target folder for JBoss
  • For Issue # 4 I am not quite sure how you were able to correlate a "duplicate resource" error with a missing module.xml. Can you expand a little bit on this one?
  • Edurado, logically the error message does not make sense. When the module.xml itself is missing but the error message says "duplicate resource". When I had the module.xml the error message is gone.
  • Thank you for sharing! That totally matches what was discussed at Makes sense now.