Hi, I am trying to install apian 7.8 on my local machine. I have 8 GB


I am trying to install apian 7.8 on my local machine. I have 8 GB RAM. I have put aside 2 GB for apian. I am using MySQL for database. I tried installing both through configuration manager and the default way of only jboss. But both times jboss can't seem to write to MySQL. Ear and search-server gets deployed but fails on web-host....Can anyone help on this issue....I am attaching server.log file...





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  • The most current error in the log is:

    12:00:00,503 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].[default-host].[/suite]] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 58) JBWEB000287: Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class com.appiancorp.common.config.ConfigurationLoader: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/appian/dl/txn/TxnIdOutOfTrackedRangeException
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.appian.dl.txn.TxnIdOutOfTrackedRangeException from [Module "deployment.suite.ear:main" from Service Module Loader]

    This class is a part of appian-dl-repo-api-, which is present in <APPIAN_HOME>\\ear\\suite.ear\\lib.

    However, from your server.log, I can also see that you are using runtime_ear.
    appian.home.ear = C:/appian78_aswin/runtime_ear

    Can you ensure that you have unzipped the contents of the ear directory from the HOTFIX in the <APPIAN_HOME>\\runtime_ear directory?
  • I decided to switch to Appian 7.9 since I tried deploying the contents of the hotfix E(just the ear directory's contents) to the runtime_ear directory and it still didn't work.....For 7.9 I did everything that was mentioned in the forum...configured everything using config.bat......did hotfix B......but still I am failing....again some invalid class references......can you help on this please? attached is the server.log....


  • It seems we are making progress. This log now show other errors that we can easily fix:

    1. Error #1 (see below) indicates you forgot to configure your Primary DS in appian-ds.xml and instead JBoss is deploying its out of the box data source which will obviously not work with Appian nor with the security domain you specified in standalone.xml. Please correct this and restart JBoss

    Bound data source [java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS]
    Access denied: authentication failed: java.lang.SecurityException: PBOX000016: Access denied: authentication failed

    2. Error #2 indicates your appian-topology.xml is misconfigured and it has all its content commented out. This file needs to be fixed in ear\\suite.ear\\conf and search-server\\conf. This was fixed in hotfix A of 7.9 and since you're getting the error it makes me think you didn't deploy the hotfix correctly. In any case simply fix your topology file by uncommenting from <topology port="5000"> to </topology> (see attached example) on both directories

    Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException
    - with linked exception:
    [org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; Premature end of file.]
              at com.appiancorp.util.JAXBUtils.unmarshal0(JAXBUtils.java:105) [appiancorp-xml-0-SNAPSHOT.jar:]
              at com.appiancorp.util.JAXBUtils.unmarshal(JAXBUtils.java:60) [appiancorp-xml-0-SNAPSHOT.jar:]
              at com.appiancorp.kougar.driver.ConnectionManagerConfigurator.createTopology(ConnectionManagerConfigurator.java:138) [appian-kougar-driver.jar:]
