Is there any way to prevent e-mails from going to any configured user e-mail add

Certified Senior Developer
Is there any way to prevent e-mails from going to any configured user e-mail addresses and redirect them to a particular e-mail instead?

We have a Prod-fix environment that has a copy of production kdbs and data to use for testing and hotfix development. Currently, in order to prevent e-mails from going out to our actual users, we have no mail server configured in this environment, but this is not ideal (especially since we can't reset passwords - and the plugin that allowed us to specify passwords manually is now deprecated).

I suppose an option may be creating a process that updates the email addresses of all users currently in the system, to run each time we migrate data from production, and only activate the mail server connection after this runs.



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  • We have written a common email process which maintains email modes depending upon the environment. The email mode is set in constant, and read by process while sending emails. When email mode is DEV / TEST / STAGING, only process initiator will get emails and actual recipients would not be sent any emails. If it is PROD, email would be sent to all recipients.
  • We have written a common email process which maintains email modes depending upon the environment. The email mode is set in constant, and read by process while sending emails. When email mode is DEV / TEST / STAGING, only process initiator will get emails and actual recipients would not be sent any emails. If it is PROD, email would be sent to all recipients.
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