Just migrated my second server form 7.5 to 7.9 and encountered this issue as Jbo

Just migrated my second server form 7.5 to 7.9 and encountered this issue as Jboss boots up:

13:09:02,777 INFO [stdout] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 59) 2015-07-09 13:09:02,776 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 59]
INFO com.appiancorp.type.config.plugin.PojoDatatypesConfig - WebAndXMLExtensions:sendHTTPResponse: The provided XSD fil
e contains a definition for the type {urn:appian:ps:sendhttp}SendHTTPResponse, which already exists with the same struct
ure. (APNX-2-4045-004)
13:09:15,818 INFO [stdout] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 59) 2015-07-09 13:09:15,817 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 59]
INFO com.appiancorp.type.config.plugin.PojoDatatypesConfig - adusersynchronizationwithusernames:LdapConfig: The provide
d XSD file contains a definition for the type {urn:appian:plugin:directory}LdapConfig, which already exists with the sam
e structure. (APNX-2-4045-004)
13:09:16,367 INFO [stdout] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 59) 2015-07-09 13:0...



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  • This is a false positive. If you deploy a CDT as a POJO and this CDT contains a nested multiple as one of its fields, every time you restart the application server you will get a message stating that the CDT already exists with a different structure even if nothing changed and it's just a restart of the application server.

    This can be safely ignored. The reference number to remove this red herring in a future version is AN-49344.

    Cloud and Community Services
  • This is a false positive. If you deploy a CDT as a POJO and this CDT contains a nested multiple as one of its fields, every time you restart the application server you will get a message stating that the CDT already exists with a different structure even if nothing changed and it's just a restart of the application server.

    This can be safely ignored. The reference number to remove this red herring in a future version is AN-49344.

    Cloud and Community Services
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