For all you Appian administrators out there, what are your retention strategies

For all you Appian administrators out there, what are your retention strategies for archived processes, log files, and old KDBs? We've just been in the lazy habit of keeping everything forever, but it's starting to amass large amounts of data and I'm wondering how much of it we actually need.... And is some of it redundant? Should I keep all of my archived processes if I already have the old KDBs that contain those processes? Or vice versa, do I need the KDBs if I already have the archived processes? What should I keep and how much? If I keep all of my archived processes, am I ever going to be able to use them later on? I sometimes worry that 5 years from now I'll be asked to find one specific process in the old archives and it will be impossible. Sure, I may have the date or process ID to work with, but won't it take forever just for the search to complete if it's looking through 5 years of archived processes? I'd love any any all adv...



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