I'm upgrading my windows local install from 7.10 hotfix c to 7.11. When I tr

I'm upgrading my windows local install from 7.10 hotfix c to 7.11. When I try to login into /design or /tempo, I get an error message onscreen and I get a couple errors in my log file including these:

[http-/] ERROR com.appiancorp.ap2.WrapFilter - Root cause:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.appiancorp.ap2.PortalApplicationConfiguration.getSessionTimeoutWarn()I

ERROR com.appiancorp.asi.taglib.TaglibUtil - An EL expression couldn't be evaluated. The expr is "${PORTAL_APP_CONFIG.sessionTimeoutWarn}" and the attribute name is "value". An error occurred while evaluating custom action attribute "value" with value "${PORTAL_APP_CONFIG.sessionTimeoutWarn}": Unable to find a value for "sessionTimeoutWarn" in object of class "com.appiancorp.ap2.PortalApplicationConfiguration" using operator "." (null)
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: An error occurred while evaluating custom action attribute "value" with value "${PORTAL_APP_CONF...




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