We are doing a fresh installation of Appian7.11. Appian engines & search ser

We are doing a fresh installation of Appian7.11. Appian engines & search server was started & running.
But We are facing the below error while trying to start jboss
FYI, We have created a new primary & Business schema in my sql & corresponding configurations are made in appian-mysql-ds.xml but while trying to start jboss corresponding automated tables are not created in the primary schema.

09:10:02,591 INFO [stdout] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 102) 2015-11-04 09:10:02,589 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 102] ERROR com.atlassian.plugin.manager.DefaultPluginManager - There was an error loading the descriptor 'HttpKeyValuePair' of plugin 'appian.integration.httpclient'. Disabling.

09:10:02,596 INFO [stdout] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 102) com.atlassian.plugin.PluginException: com.appiancorp.type.config.pojo.PojoTypeImportException: Could not create types for [class com.appian.integration.httpcore.HttpKeyValuePair]. Cause: An error ...




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  • Issue has been resolved after the fresh installation of V7.11. But I'm not able to login for first time with Administrator/admin credentials. facing "JBWEB000065: HTTP Status 401 -"

    My configuration are
    1) conf.suite.SCHEME=https
    2) conf.suite.SERVER_AND_PORT=abc.domain.com:443

    In application server logs.. below error is getting logged.
    ERROR com.appiancorp.security.cors.CorsFilter - CORS request rejected; invalid request from to /auth
  • Issue has been resolved after the fresh installation of V7.11. But I'm not able to login for first time with Administrator/admin credentials. facing "JBWEB000065: HTTP Status 401 -"

    My configuration are
    1) conf.suite.SCHEME=https
    2) conf.suite.SERVER_AND_PORT=abc.domain.com:443

    In application server logs.. below error is getting logged.
    ERROR com.appiancorp.security.cors.CorsFilter - CORS request rejected; invalid request from to /auth
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