Hi All, here's an issue I have with a MySQL database table name. I have a ta

Hi All, here's an issue I have with a MySQL database table name. I have a table called msg_in defined in the database. I added the JPA annotation in my xsd but Appian is still doing something weird with the table name. The error says: "The data source schema does not match the type mappings: Missing table: msgintype_msg (APNX-2-4056-000)".

Here's the entire xsd for the table in question. Most of this was generated by XMLSpy. The only stuff I added were the target namespace and the couple of JPA annotations.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:miemonitor="www.questdiagnostics.com" xmlns:xs="www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema" targetNamespace="www.questdiagnostics.com">
<xs:complexType name="msg_in">
<xs:appinfo source="appian.jpa">
<xs:element name="msgkey">
<xs:appinfo source="appian.jpa">...



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  • Yep I downloaded the DDL and below is what it looks like. I don't understand where it's coming up with the table called msgin_msg. That table isn't in the database and it isn't in the XSD. But when I import the XSD and then download the DDL, that's what gets included.

    Data Store: valley_lab
    Created: 2013-04-09T22:00:58.348Z
    By: Administrator
    Appian Version:
    Target Database: MySQL 5.5.17
    Database Driver: MySQL-AB JDBC Driver mysql-connector-java-5.0.8 ( Revision: ${svn.Revision} )

    /* UPDATE DDL */
    create table `msgin_msg` (
    `msgin_msg_msgkey` bigint not null,
    elt tinyint,
    `msgin_msg_idx` integer not null,
    primary key (`msgin_msg_msgkey`, `msgin_msg_idx`)
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB;

    alter table `msgin_msg`
    add index FKCD540C28779F644D (`msgin_msg_msgkey`),
    add constraint FKCD540C28779F644D
    foreign key (`msgin_msg_msgkey`)
    references `msg_in` (`msgkey`);

    /* WARNING: The DDL commented out below will drop and re-create all tables.
    alter table `msgin_msg`
    foreign key FKCD540C28779F644D;

    drop table if exists `msg_in`;

    drop table if exists `msgin_msg`;

    create table `msg_in` (
    `msgkey` bigint not null,
    `acknak` tinyint,
    `filename` varchar(250),
    `msgstate` tinyint,
    `tstamp` DATETIME NOT NULL,
    `mrtstamp` DATETIME NOT NULL,
    primary key (`msgkey`)
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB;

    create table `msgin_msg` (
    `msgin_msg_msgkey` bigint not null,
    elt tinyint,
    `msgin_msg_idx` integer not null,
    primary key (`msgin_msg_msgkey`, `msgin_msg_idx`)
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB;

    alter table `msgin_msg`
    add index FKCD540C28779F644D (`msgin_msg_msgkey`),
    add constraint FKCD540C28779F644D
    foreign key (`msgin_msg_msgkey`)
    references `msg_in` (`msgkey`);
  • Yep I downloaded the DDL and below is what it looks like. I don't understand where it's coming up with the table called msgin_msg. That table isn't in the database and it isn't in the XSD. But when I import the XSD and then download the DDL, that's what gets included.

    Data Store: valley_lab
    Created: 2013-04-09T22:00:58.348Z
    By: Administrator
    Appian Version:
    Target Database: MySQL 5.5.17
    Database Driver: MySQL-AB JDBC Driver mysql-connector-java-5.0.8 ( Revision: ${svn.Revision} )

    /* UPDATE DDL */
    create table `msgin_msg` (
    `msgin_msg_msgkey` bigint not null,
    elt tinyint,
    `msgin_msg_idx` integer not null,
    primary key (`msgin_msg_msgkey`, `msgin_msg_idx`)
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB;

    alter table `msgin_msg`
    add index FKCD540C28779F644D (`msgin_msg_msgkey`),
    add constraint FKCD540C28779F644D
    foreign key (`msgin_msg_msgkey`)
    references `msg_in` (`msgkey`);

    /* WARNING: The DDL commented out below will drop and re-create all tables.
    alter table `msgin_msg`
    foreign key FKCD540C28779F644D;

    drop table if exists `msg_in`;

    drop table if exists `msgin_msg`;

    create table `msg_in` (
    `msgkey` bigint not null,
    `acknak` tinyint,
    `filename` varchar(250),
    `msgstate` tinyint,
    `tstamp` DATETIME NOT NULL,
    `mrtstamp` DATETIME NOT NULL,
    primary key (`msgkey`)
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB;

    create table `msgin_msg` (
    `msgin_msg_msgkey` bigint not null,
    elt tinyint,
    `msgin_msg_idx` integer not null,
    primary key (`msgin_msg_msgkey`, `msgin_msg_idx`)
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB;

    alter table `msgin_msg`
    add index FKCD540C28779F644D (`msgin_msg_msgkey`),
    add constraint FKCD540C28779F644D
    foreign key (`msgin_msg_msgkey`)
    references `msg_in` (`msgkey`);
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