#Upgradation from Appian 7.2 to Appian 7.11 Getting the below error d

#Upgradation from Appian 7.2 to Appian 7.11

Getting the below error during application server start up :

04:48:45,199 INFO [stdout] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 84) com.appiancorp.type.config.pojo.PojoTypeImportException: Could not create types for [class com.appiancorp.exceptions.AppianError, class com.appiancorp.security.ssl.CertificateData, class com.appiancorp.security.ssl.CertificateData$CertificateType, class com.appiancorp.suiteapi.type.Datatype, class com.appiancorp.process.expression.writer.DelayedWriter, class com.appiancorp.type.refs.DocumentRefImpl, class com.appiancorp.common.EntityData, class com.appiancorp.common.EntityDataIdentifiers, class com.appiancorp.security.external.ExternalSystem, class com.appiancorp.tempo.rdbms.Feed, class com.appiancorp.type.system.GridDelta, class com.appiancorp.type.system.LabelValue, class com.appiancorp.type.system.LabelValueTable, class com.appiancorp.type.system.ListViewItem, class...




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  • ... com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.paging.PagingInfo, class com.appiancorp.type.system.PortalReportDataSubset, class com.appiancorp.process.properties.ProcessModelProperties, class com.appiancorp.process.properties.ProcessProperties, class com.appiancorp.record.domain.RecordType, class com.appiancorp.security.external.SecuredAttribute, class com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.paging.SortInfo, class com.appiancorp.process.properties.TaskDetails, class com.appiancorp.process.properties.TaskMetrics, class com.appiancorp.process.properties.TaskProperties, class com.appiancorp.suiteapi.common.paging.TypedValueDataSubset, class com.appiancorp.common.query.TypedValueFacet, class com.appiancorp.type.system.TypedValueListView, class com.appiancorp.type.system.TypedValueListViewDataSubset, class com.appiancorp.common.query.TypedValueQuery, class com.appiancorp.uicontainer.UiContainer, class com.appiancorp.ws.WsConfig, class com.appiancorp.ws.WsHttpCredentials, class com.appiancorp.w...
  • ...s.WsHttpHeaderField, class com.appiancorp.ws.WsUsernameToken, class com.appiancorp.ws.WsUsernameTokenScs]. Cause: An error occurred while trying to save the type information to the primary data source. No types have been imported. Cause: Type definitions could not be found in the primary data source for the following type ids: 880 (APNX-1-4166-003)
  • This error suggests that this primary data source is not the original one for this environment:

    Cause: An error occurred while trying to save the type information to the primary data source. No types have been imported. Cause: Type definitions could not be found in the primary data source for the following type ids: 880

    remember that if these CDTs previously existed in the environment they are already registered in the Appian engines, therefore when re-uploading/re-creating them, Appian will make a call to the primary data source to get the original definition of this CDT to compare it with the new one and determine if the new definition is different from the original one. In this case the error indicates Appian cannot do this comparison because the row for this CDT in the DT_MODEL table is missing.

  • But during upgrade from Appian 7.2 to Appian 7.11 , we used the same primary datasource (Original) and schema details without any difference
  • Maybe that row was missing since the beginning. This should correspond to row 880 in the DT_MODEL table.
  • HI Eduardo,

    Performing Task : Migrating from Appian 7.2 to 7.11

    We have the following environments :DEV, UAT and PROD

    Plan is to migrate DEV environment first. In this environment, we have deployed all Application patches from UAT and created few instances for validating them after migration.(Deployed all UAT patches in DEV in order to make sure the Application changes are in sync with UAT)

    As part of this we have performed the following:

    1)Deployed application patches from UAT to DEV.
    2)Taken bakup of Appian Directory as well as JBoss by moving them to Appian_12Dec2015 and JBoss_12Dec2015
    3)Taken dumps of databases (primary and secondary)
    4)Installed 5.6 and re-imported database dumps (Structure and DATA import). Database is working fine.
    5)Installed java 1.8 . Java is working fine.
    6)Installed 7.11 in the appian Directory "appian".
    7)Done all the configurations custom.properties, appian-ds.xml and etc.
    8)Merged highest number of KDB files as per the document given in the forum
    9)Restarted Appian Suite and Search Server successfully.
    10)Restarting JBoss is throwing errors like mentioned above.

    We have verified the primary database as well as backup data for 880 component, but the component doesnt exist in DT_MODEL table. On search we have found the references to the 880 component


    Can you please help us to resolve this issue. Thanks in Advance.
  • Those files you found are not related to CDTs, those are process models.
    Would your customer have access to create a ticket with Appian Support?
  • Thank you very much Eduardo. We will create support ticket.