We've had an error occur a couple times now on different days with different

We've had an error occur a couple times now on different days with different plugins. We have a scheduled task setup to restart Jboss every morning we received the following error:
11:33:03,879 INFO [stdout] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 92) 2015-12-21 11:33:03,879 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 92] ERROR com.atlassian.plugin.manager.PluginEnabler - Unable to start the following plugins due to timeout while waiting for plugin to enable: psshared.htmldisplay

Any Ideas on what could cause this?

Thank you in advance.



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  • The scheduled tasked has been used since February. Prior to that we ran the task on 6.6.1 for a couple years. When we upgraded to 7.5 we didn't realize it wasn't working until February since the name of the service changed and fixed the scheduled task. there were no issues with the restart until last week.

    This first time this occured was 12/15/2015. All the plugins successfully installed everyday prior to 12/15 and also installed successfully from 12/16/2015-12/20/2015. We have not upgraded any of the custom plugins recently.
  • The scheduled tasked has been used since February. Prior to that we ran the task on 6.6.1 for a couple years. When we upgraded to 7.5 we didn't realize it wasn't working until February since the name of the service changed and fixed the scheduled task. there were no issues with the restart until last week.

    This first time this occured was 12/15/2015. All the plugins successfully installed everyday prior to 12/15 and also installed successfully from 12/16/2015-12/20/2015. We have not upgraded any of the custom plugins recently.
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