We've had an error occur a couple times now on different days with different

We've had an error occur a couple times now on different days with different plugins. We have a scheduled task setup to restart Jboss every morning we received the following error:
11:33:03,879 INFO [stdout] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 92) 2015-12-21 11:33:03,879 [ServerService Thread Pool -- 92] ERROR com.atlassian.plugin.manager.PluginEnabler - Unable to start the following plugins due to timeout while waiting for plugin to enable: psshared.htmldisplay

Any Ideas on what could cause this?

Thank you in advance.



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  • This is happening in our production environment. We cannot afford to have to do a hot deploy every morning. Is there some setting we can adjust to extend the timeout of plugins to avoid this from happening?

    We are currently working on getting a report on the memory and cpu usage of the servers to compare the days it had the issue to other days with the issue.
  • This is happening in our production environment. We cannot afford to have to do a hot deploy every morning. Is there some setting we can adjust to extend the timeout of plugins to avoid this from happening?

    We are currently working on getting a report on the memory and cpu usage of the servers to compare the days it had the issue to other days with the issue.
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