Engine Startup Error

Hi All,

I am starting the appian server. but failed to start.
After starting servers when i run checkengine.bat command it is giving output as,

The following 6 applications require *IMMEDIATE* attention:


Detailed output attached in file. Please help




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  • It seems you continue to stop the environment abruptly introducing this issue. You should stop it using stop-suite.bat and keep the computer on until all k.exe processes shutdown.

    To fix this problem:

    1. Run <APPIAN_HOME>\\server\\_scripts\\stop-suite.bat
    2. Wait for the CPU usage to go down
    3. Kill all k.exe processes that remain active and are not using any CPU
    4. Open a command line as the administrator (right click - run as administrator)
    5. Run

    cd C:\\appian\\server\\_scripts\          ools
    repair C:\\appian\\server\\process\\exec\\02\\gw1\\pe44.kdb
    cd C:\\appian\\server\\process\\exec\\02\\gw1\\
    copy pe44.kdb.repaired pe55.kdb

    6. Start the environment the normal way you do it

    For step #5 please attach the output of the repair command
  • It seems you continue to stop the environment abruptly introducing this issue. You should stop it using stop-suite.bat and keep the computer on until all k.exe processes shutdown.

    To fix this problem:

    1. Run <APPIAN_HOME>\\server\\_scripts\\stop-suite.bat
    2. Wait for the CPU usage to go down
    3. Kill all k.exe processes that remain active and are not using any CPU
    4. Open a command line as the administrator (right click - run as administrator)
    5. Run

    cd C:\\appian\\server\\_scripts\          ools
    repair C:\\appian\\server\\process\\exec\\02\\gw1\\pe44.kdb
    cd C:\\appian\\server\\process\\exec\\02\\gw1\\
    copy pe44.kdb.repaired pe55.kdb

    6. Start the environment the normal way you do it

    For step #5 please attach the output of the repair command
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