I have a chained activity that takes a bit of time to get from one screen to the

I have a chained activity that takes a bit of time to get from one screen to the next. It's calling a web service, parsing data, and displaying everything in multiple paging grids. I've reduced the time it takes to run from several minutes down to about 30 seconds. The problem is that the form is closing and I have to go to the task list to pick it back up.

I changed the custom.properties timeout setting (conf.suite.REQUEST_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC=60) to 60 seconds, but it still closes after about 20 seconds. Is there another setting that needs to be changed to extend the timeout?...



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  • That was it! I read that page before but must have skipped over the line about multiple instances being included in the count. I was at about 20 for total individual nodes, then one of the multiple instances was running about 40 times in this test file. Increasing the max number chained of nodes fixed it. Although, I may end up using a waiting page instead. The number of instances to run is dynamic and could cause an issue. Is there a drawback to increasing the chained node limit that you're aware of? I'm keeping a close eye on server performance just in case. Thanks for the help!
  • That was it! I read that page before but must have skipped over the line about multiple instances being included in the count. I was at about 20 for total individual nodes, then one of the multiple instances was running about 40 times in this test file. Increasing the max number chained of nodes fixed it. Although, I may end up using a waiting page instead. The number of instances to run is dynamic and could cause an issue. Is there a drawback to increasing the chained node limit that you're aware of? I'm keeping a close eye on server performance just in case. Thanks for the help!
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