JBoss Error When Doing a Fresh Installation of Appian 16.2

I am up for a fresh installation of Appian 16.2 on a Windows 64 bit environment with 4GB RAM. I have installed JBoss EAP 6.4.0 and MySQL server 5.7.13.
After going through the installation guide and following the steps I configured the server. I could start the Appian engines and the search-server without any issue. However, while starting Jboss I get the following error "could not load driver for module [com.mysql.jdbc]" and some missing dependencies for the AppianDS(datasource).
I am using a J connector (MySQL-connector-java-5.1.39-bin.jar) driver and jdk 8.
I am using configure script to deploy the configurations to Jboss home.
Attaching the jboss log file. Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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