No message listener of type com.appiancorp.ra.emailpoller.MailListener found

When starting up JBoss today in our FED (sandbox) server, JBoss will not deploy. I am getting this error in the suite.ear.failed:

"{\\"JBAS014671: Failed services\\" => {\\"jboss.deployment.subunit.\\\\\\"suite.ear\\\\\\".\\\\\\"email-handler.jar\\\\\\".component.EmailHandlerBean.CREATE\\" => \\"org.jboss.msc.service.StartException in service jboss.deployment.subunit.\\\\\\"suite.ear\\\\\\".\\\\\\"email-handler.jar\\\\\\".component.EmailHandlerBean.CREATE: Failed to start service
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: JBAS014521: No message listener of type com.appiancorp.ra.emailpoller.MailListener found in resource adapter hornetq-ra\\"}}"

and apian-ds says undeployed. I have renamed the file to dodeploy and I get the same error. attached is the server.log. I have not seen these erros before.




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  • i had a similar problem once on windows where the cmd prompt wasn't "run as administrator" when we both installed and started jboss. there were no errors showing up in the logs but the webapp was undeploying b/c of a windows permission issue.

    my advice would be to reinstall jboss as admin, redeploy configurations, and restart. shouldn't take long if you are using the configure script.
  • i had a similar problem once on windows where the cmd prompt wasn't "run as administrator" when we both installed and started jboss. there were no errors showing up in the logs but the webapp was undeploying b/c of a windows permission issue.

    my advice would be to reinstall jboss as admin, redeploy configurations, and restart. shouldn't take long if you are using the configure script.
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