Fitnesse : The system cannot find the file

I am facing trouble installing Fitnesse on my machine.

Step 1:
Download the Installation pack file from the below URL of Appian Forum

Step 2:
Unzip the file : Done

Step 3:
Run the command in the CMD
?          C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jre7\\bin> C:\\FitNesseForAppian-1.4\\start.bat

Error :
The system cannot find the file
Error: Unable to access jarfile lib/fitnesse-20160515-standalone.jar
Press any key to continue . . .

I have tried several tricks but it’s not working.
Think there is some issue with the length of Properties file name (total length of file path) while unzipping

Can someone advise me here ?


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  • Hi qazia, I have downloaded the latest version of FitNesse jar file from the forum only, i can able to start the server. I have attached the Image. Im not sure where went wrong for your try. Please try like the image i have attached. First navigate to root folder of fitnesse where u can see the start.bat file. then do the same in CMD prompt. try to start the server.let us know if you still face the issue.

  • Hi qazia, I have downloaded the latest version of FitNesse jar file from the forum only, i can able to start the server. I have attached the Image. Im not sure where went wrong for your try. Please try like the image i have attached. First navigate to root folder of fitnesse where u can see the start.bat file. then do the same in CMD prompt. try to start the server.let us know if you still face the issue.

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