I recently tried installing Appian, but I am unable to start it. Can anyone plea

I recently tried installing Appian, but I am unable to start it. Can anyone please help ?

I was able to install Appian 6.7.1 successfully, but could not start it.
when I try starting Appian engines for the first time, 5 Appian engine fails to start because of FATAL ERROR.

To fix this, I cleaned these engines kdb's and 4 out 5 engines started. The only engine which did not start was "Notification Email Processor".

After that when I started jboss server using run.bat, I got following error

Deployment "vfsfile:/C:/appian/ear/suite.ear/" is in error due to the following reason(s): org.jboss.deployers.spi.DeploymentException: URL file:/C:/appian/ea
r/suite.ear/web.war/ deployment failed

I am not able to identify what is getting wrong here. can anyone please help me with this?...



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