

I am first time user of Fitnesse automation tool. I created a static Page->Test Suite page->test page and wrote all my codes in test page to keep it simple. when I try to run it it is giving me an error cannot invoke constructor for Also it is giving error for rest of the keywords used in script. Please help on an urgent basis.



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  • I have fitness code to login into forum in Firefox. I have fitness in my D Drive @D:/FitNesseForAppian-1.4/FitNesseForAppian Change the path and try following code. As Ramanjaneyulu said i remember doing some custom properties first. Please check that and let me know if you need any help.

    !***> FitNesse Configurations
    !define TEST_SYSTEM {slim}
    !path D:/FitNesseForAppian-1.4/FitNesseForAppian/**.jar
    !*** Initialization
    !| script | |
    | setup selenium web driver with browser | FIREFOX |
    | set appian url to | |
    | set appian version to | 16.3 |
    | set appian locale to | en_GB |
    | set timeout seconds to | 10 |
    | set screenshot path to | D:/SCREENSHOTS |
    | set take error screenshots to | true |
    | set test variable | DATEXXX | with | ${!today(YYYY-MM-DD)} |
    | set stop on error to | false |
    | set start datetime |
    !*** Login to Tempo s
    !| script |
    | login with username | XXXXX | and password | XXXXXX |

  • I have fitness code to login into forum in Firefox. I have fitness in my D Drive @D:/FitNesseForAppian-1.4/FitNesseForAppian Change the path and try following code. As Ramanjaneyulu said i remember doing some custom properties first. Please check that and let me know if you need any help.

    !***> FitNesse Configurations
    !define TEST_SYSTEM {slim}
    !path D:/FitNesseForAppian-1.4/FitNesseForAppian/**.jar
    !*** Initialization
    !| script | |
    | setup selenium web driver with browser | FIREFOX |
    | set appian url to | |
    | set appian version to | 16.3 |
    | set appian locale to | en_GB |
    | set timeout seconds to | 10 |
    | set screenshot path to | D:/SCREENSHOTS |
    | set take error screenshots to | true |
    | set test variable | DATEXXX | with | ${!today(YYYY-MM-DD)} |
    | set stop on error to | false |
    | set start datetime |
    !*** Login to Tempo s
    !| script |
    | login with username | XXXXX | and password | XXXXXX |

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