Fitnesse - Test page creation

I am using FitnesseForAppian version 1.6, which was upgraded yesterday. I created a static page. Inside that two suite pages one within another and then a test page inside the last suite page. The Test page is getting created in FitnesseRoot folder in the sequence created as mentioned above, but in UI the test page is not showing. I tried creating one more test page but that too did not show up.

Please help


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  • Hi Chandrasekar, Although I did not try the above sequence but as per my understanding it should not work because a static page would only hold contents, it is a non-executable page. A test page is the lowest level of executable page and a suite would hold a collection of test pages which could be executed at one go and a static page can hold and only hold any of these three types of pages.

    Because I saw a post from you where you are not able to run a test, so please try this sequence --- Static Page -> Suite Page -> Test page.

    Test page should be the innermost in this loop. After that you could execute a suite page/Test Page depending on how you have divided the required details - Fitnesse configuration, test Set Up and main script.

    An easy way to verify if problem is with Fitnesse or your script is - put everything in proper sequence in a test page and run that test, if it runs fine means you are not putting the above mentioned details in proper sequence.

    Now when a test page runs fine (try on IE 11), then try breaking it into a suite page and there these Fitnesse configuration steps that you have pasted in the main post, should be copied in Suite page content . Please try and let me know if taht works for you.
  • Hi Chandrasekar, Although I did not try the above sequence but as per my understanding it should not work because a static page would only hold contents, it is a non-executable page. A test page is the lowest level of executable page and a suite would hold a collection of test pages which could be executed at one go and a static page can hold and only hold any of these three types of pages.

    Because I saw a post from you where you are not able to run a test, so please try this sequence --- Static Page -> Suite Page -> Test page.

    Test page should be the innermost in this loop. After that you could execute a suite page/Test Page depending on how you have divided the required details - Fitnesse configuration, test Set Up and main script.

    An easy way to verify if problem is with Fitnesse or your script is - put everything in proper sequence in a test page and run that test, if it runs fine means you are not putting the above mentioned details in proper sequence.

    Now when a test page runs fine (try on IE 11), then try breaking it into a suite page and there these Fitnesse configuration steps that you have pasted in the main post, should be copied in Suite page content . Please try and let me know if taht works for you.
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