Hi, We have a problem with the usage of the RAM memory on our Appian PROD s

We have a problem with the usage of the RAM memory on our Appian PROD server.

Hardware Configuration:

Hard Disk :

200GB (D:)

RAM Memory :

16 GB


Memory Usage is constantly over 95 %(after Appian and Jboss are up).
I am not sure but I think that after Appian is started and before we start Jboss the memory usage is around 75%.
Usage of the hard disk space is also very big (D:/appian folder is over 130 GB where d:/appian/server/ process is around 86GB)
We are using clean up scripts and we are keeping last 7 kdb for each gateways and they grow up to 2.5 GB.
During one day (24hours) the number of kept kdb for each gateway surpasses 7 and it goes up to 10.
In some previously momement checkengine.bat report warning and then we find out that we need to do the customization of MAX_EXEC_ENGINE_LOAD_METRIC parameter.
We made some changes on the MAX_EXEC_ENGINE_LOAD_METRIC parameter,by setting ...



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  • @Natasha, as Myles indicated, the load metric has nothing to do with engine memory utilization. You simply are outgrowing your hardware with the additional data that you are adding - mostly process data. In the very short term, you could split up JBoss and web server into another VM but you will still be running at 75% capacity which is pretty high and you will need to add capacity. This is also a good moment to review your archiving settings, which may give you more mileage out of your existing hardware. Run the sizing script on all your exec engines, Appian PS can help you analyze the data and provide recommendations. Also, from your indication, it seems like you still have auto checkpointing running in production which is NOT recommended. For your HDD issues, I would recommend lowering the amount of kdbs you are keeping on disk, since they are all cumulative. Check the size of your process archives and logs, you may be able to clean those too.
  • @Natasha, as Myles indicated, the load metric has nothing to do with engine memory utilization. You simply are outgrowing your hardware with the additional data that you are adding - mostly process data. In the very short term, you could split up JBoss and web server into another VM but you will still be running at 75% capacity which is pretty high and you will need to add capacity. This is also a good moment to review your archiving settings, which may give you more mileage out of your existing hardware. Run the sizing script on all your exec engines, Appian PS can help you analyze the data and provide recommendations. Also, from your indication, it seems like you still have auto checkpointing running in production which is NOT recommended. For your HDD issues, I would recommend lowering the amount of kdbs you are keeping on disk, since they are all cumulative. Check the size of your process archives and logs, you may be able to clean those too.
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