Error at IDP Configure page

Certified Senior Developer


I see below error message on configure page in 'IDP' site. There is nothing except the below error on the screen.

Can someone please help me to resolve that ?

Error Evaluating UI Expression Expression evaluation error [evaluation ID = 91BSE] in rule 'du_listmodels' (called by rules 'du_testcredforcloudstorageandautoml' > 'du_displayconfigurationreport') : com.appiancorp.connectedsystems.templateframework.functions.pipeline.proxyDecoratorPipeline.TemplateInvocationException: Contact the developer of this template to resolve the following issue. java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: io.grpc.ManagedChannelProvider: Provider not found

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  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer

    Just ran into this exact issue today! Updating the plugins fixed it.

    In case anyone else is a newbie like me and doesn't already know how to do it themselves:

    -Go to your Appian administration console

    -Click Plug-ins in the left sidebar

    -Filter version status: update available

    -Update the applicable plugins (I just did them all)

  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer

    Just ran into this exact issue today! Updating the plugins fixed it.

    In case anyone else is a newbie like me and doesn't already know how to do it themselves:

    -Go to your Appian administration console

    -Click Plug-ins in the left sidebar

    -Filter version status: update available

    -Update the applicable plugins (I just did them all)

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