Restart multiple process instance at once

Is there a way to start multiple broken process instances of a process model that fail in specific node at once?

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    Hi Lydiaa,

    1. Deploy the plugin "GetProcessesByNodeStatus", this will provide the list of process ids which are broken, below are the config details for this.

       1.1  IncludeSubProcess: false

       1.2 Process model UUID: Provide the UUID of the processmodel, this you can get through generate process documentation

    1.3 Process node status: 8, This means the broken nodes

    1.4 Process Node UUID: UUID of the  node which was broken, this you can get through generate process documentation

    Executing this will provide all the list of process ids which are broken.

    2.  Deploy plugin "Process Management utilities", use the smart service restart all nodes, below is the configuration details

          Dryrun: false, if you are testing , make it as true

           NodeUUID: same as steps 1.4 mentioned above

         processIds: From the above #! step yyou will be getting the list of process ids, pass those process ids here.

    In case of multiple nodes and multiple processes to be restarted make sure you maintain the UUID's in constant and loop in through that.

  • 0
    Certified Senior Developer
    in reply to karthikkanjerla

    "Get Processes By Node Status" plugin is archived. Any alternate plugin available for this?

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