Could not display interface. Please check definition and inputs. Interface Definition: Expression evaluation error [evaluation ID = 0G6RF] : An error occurred while executing a save: Could not cast from WI Part to Number (Integer). Details: CastInvalid

Hi All,

Interfaces 102: Building Dynamic Interfaces

I am trying to build a Dynamic Interface, I was able to test the Interface I have developed, but when I try to submit the operation that I have done in the application. It is throwing cast invalid error.
can you please help me in this regard.
WI Part is the Interface that was created by me and W1880AA Maintenance was the relationship that was associated with it.  I have highlighted the code for your convenience where I am facing the issue.
contents: {
buttons: a!buttonWidget(
label: if(
local!currentMilestoneBarStep = length(local!milestoneBarSteps),
saveInto: if(
local!currentMilestoneBarStep = length(local!milestoneBarSteps),
items: local!parts,
expression: a!save(
target: fv!item['recordType!{66478b16-d234-43d2-9f25-b02011978fac}WI Part.fields.{6f139c35-8eaf-4d57-952f-bf8c3e3c02f7}maintenanceId'],
value: local!selectedMaintenanceRequest['recordType!{4159bc7e-822e-44d7-bdea-42ce7ab5c096-w1880aa}W1880AA Maintenance.fields.{eee2f931-999a-4540-bed2-e907dc892c8a-w1880aa}id']
expression: a!save(
local!currentMilestoneBarStep + 1
style: "SOLID"

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