validation telephone


tengo Este Formulario y queria sable ¿Como Puedo Validar Teléfono de la ONU? Gracias

= cargar (
a! formLayout (
etiqueta: "",
contenidos: {
a! columnsLayout (
columnas: {
a! columnLayout (
contenidos: {
a! columnsLayout (
columnas: {
a! columnLayout (
contenidos: {
a! textField (
label: " Territorial ",
labelPosición:" ADJACENTE ",
guardar:" territorial ",
saveInto: {},
refreshAfter:" UNFOCUS ",
required: true,
validations: {}
a! ColumnLayout (
contenidos: {
a! richTextDisplayField (
label: "",
labelPosition: "ARRIBA",
valor: {
a! richTextIcon (
icono: "tags",
enlace: a! safeLink (
label: "Sitio web de la compañía",
uri : ""
alinea: "DERECHA"
a! columnsLayout (
columnas: {
a! columnLayout (
contenidos: {
a! textField (
etiqueta: "Persona de Contacto en oficina ",
labelPosición:" ADJACENT ",
saveInto: {},
refreshAfter:" UNFOCUS ",
requerido: verdadero,
validaciones: {}
a! columnLayout (
contenidos: {
a! richTextDisplayField (
label: "",
labelPosition: "ADJACENT",
valor: {
a! richTextIcon (
icon: "user",
link: a! safeLink (
label: "Web de la empresa site ",
uri:" "
align:" RIGHT "
a! textField (
label:" Teléfono de contacto ",
labelPosition:" ADJACENT ",
saveInto : {},
refreshAfter: "UNFOCUS",
required: true,

botones: a! buttonLayout (
primaryButtons: {
a! buttonWidget (
label: "Enviar",
submit: true,
style: "PRIMARY"
a! buttonWidget (
label: "cancelar",
value: true,
saveInto: ri! cancel,
submit: true,
estilo: "NORMAL",
validar: falso
botones secundarios: {}

  Discussion posts and replies are publicly visible

  • Hey - sorry, it's not clear what you're asking. However, the code is definitely incomplete. Your form allows values to be entered into the individual fields but none of the fields are mapped to any data items - you should used the saveInto: {} to store the values captured, and the value: attribute to ensure the stored value is used to set the field's value. As for validating the phone, what kind of validation are you looking for? Does the phone number need to conform to a specific pattern? If so, you'll find using a RegEx expression is the easiest way to solve this, but you'll need to install the following plug-in:
  • Hey - sorry, it's not clear what you're asking. However, the code is definitely incomplete. Your form allows values to be entered into the individual fields but none of the fields are mapped to any data items - you should used the saveInto: {} to store the values captured, and the value: attribute to ensure the stored value is used to set the field's value. As for validating the phone, what kind of validation are you looking for? Does the phone number need to conform to a specific pattern? If so, you'll find using a RegEx expression is the easiest way to solve this, but you'll need to install the following plug-in: