Day 3 De los temas: Manage Users and Groups & Expressions: Transform Data, ¿que entendiste?

Day 3 De los temas:  Manage Users and Groups & Expressions: Transform Data, ¿que entendiste?

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  • Mis apuntes...

    After completing this course you will be able to:

    • Recall the purpose of expression rules in Appian and where they are used
    • Identify the components of an expression
    • Recall different data types used with expressions
    • Select the appropriate Appian function to use in an expression 
    • Configure local variables and rule inputs in an expression
    • Test and troubleshoot expressions






    Creating an Expresión Rule















    Al crear un CDT  desplego un Namespace que se ve complicado por la ruta…








    A!map, predefine la salida para evitar conversiones de tipos de datos??








  • Mis apuntes...

    After completing this course you will be able to:

    • Recall the purpose of expression rules in Appian and where they are used
    • Identify the components of an expression
    • Recall different data types used with expressions
    • Select the appropriate Appian function to use in an expression 
    • Configure local variables and rule inputs in an expression
    • Test and troubleshoot expressions






    Creating an Expresión Rule















    Al crear un CDT  desplego un Namespace que se ve complicado por la ruta…








    A!map, predefine la salida para evitar conversiones de tipos de datos??








No Data