Buenas ,
No tengo claro en que caso es mas ventajoso utilizar queryrecord en vez de queryentity, entiendo que el mayor beneficio es cuando tengo muchos records relacionados , pero si lo que quiero es hacer funciones de una sola entidad con varios calculos para luego utilizar en los procesos, cual es mejor ?
Un saludo
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Appian seems to be moving away from the "query entity" style of data relation / querying overall. It's still the simplest to use and understand (at least for those who are accustomed to it), but for any new implementations, it's probably worth the effort now to try to set things up using Synecd Records initially, and the Query Record functionality as the main querying system.
I agree with what you say, but I still have doubts if it is better to use queryRecord inside the Task script or in any rule that is used inside a process. It seems to me much more complicated to refactor the code when we use queryRecord than when we use queryEntity. At the moment I am opting to use query record for interfaces and business data, and query entity for the backend
yes - i suggest to not refactor anything, at least not until there's a strong reason to (and until they make working with "recordtype" data easier, which still has a long way to go IMHO).