Table/(Grid with read only data) with coloring in email notification

Can some suggest what is the best way to display a tabular data with coloring on rows in email body via a notification ?

Currently using ncolumntable() for table formation and used default html template in send email smart service for email body.

As the current requirement is to show the data in rows different color based on one of the column data (have some validations ) .I have tried using Ncoulmnstyledtable) , its not working .

Appian version is 16.3.

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  • You can create and use and HTML template to achieve your objective.
    You can define the colors and formats using the HTML and CSS and using them wherever applicable.
  • Thanks Alok.
    But, the data to populate in table is from list. I have to iterate and do some logics, based on the logic row color should be defined.
    For example : Student data based on grade.(column1 - Name,Column2-Rollnum,Column3-Grade),Suppose Students whose grade is A in color green , grade = B in yellow color and grade=c in red color.
    How to map the values in send email smart service for the inputs?
  • in the CSS you can make the colors as parameter and do some R&D. I would be happy to see if that works. Not very sure though.
    Just a suggestion for you to try.
  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer
    Hi @Soujanya as per my understanding, you can create an expression rule(The Parent Rule) which returns the <table> <tr> & <th> and create an another Expression Rule (The Child Rule) which accepts a rule input of type array, loop <td> tag along with item here using a!forEach(), where you can setup the color for table, tr and td tags.

    This Child rule must be called into Parent rule to form td (the dynamic content for the Table).

    Now try calling the Parent rule as body for the Send Email Node, this should accomplish your requirement.

    Hope this will help you.
  • Hi Alok,

    Thanks for the response.
    This helps for my requirement. But, I don't think foreach() is available in 16.3 version.
    can u suggest the loping function to use and achieve this.I am trying with fn!apply()
  • Getting the following error while using apply() function.

    Problem: An invalid expression has been encountered in a task.
    Details: ERROR:An error occurred while evaluating expression: =rule!PRTRR_getEmailBodyByNotificationType( notificationType_txt: pv!notificationType_txt, PRTRR_PipelineList: pv!currentPipelineList, PRTRR_PipelinePrecandidateList: pv!currentPreCandidateList, AMU_txt: pv!filteredAMUList[pv!index_int].Description ) (Expression evaluation error in rule 'prtrr_createemailsectionrequireattention' (called by rules 'prtrr_createemailbodyrequireattention' > 'prtrr_getemailbodybynotificationtype') at function fn!apply [line 35]: A rule or function reference is expected as the 1st parameter.) (Data Inputs)

    Parent rule to form a table shown below

    "<table style='width:100%' border='1'><tr bgcolor='blue'<th>License Number</th><th>Line Number </th><th>Last Producing UWI</th><th>Activity Type</th><th>LastProduction Date</th><th>Date of Non-Compliance</th><th>Days to Non-Compliance</th></tr>" & fn!apply(rule!PRTRR_CreateEmailBodySectionTable(PRTRR_PipelineList:ri!PRTRR_PipelineList),ri!PRTRR_PipelineList,0) & "</table><br></br><br></br> <font color='yellow'>YELLOW </font><legend>-> Inactive Lines Requiring a Decision</legend><br></br><font color='orange'>ORANGE </font><legend>-> Non-Compliance Imminent </legend><br></br><font color='red'>ORANGE</font><legend>-> Non-Compliant Pipelines </legend>"

    (if(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.DateofNonCompliance > todate(now()),tointeger(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.DateofNonCompliance-todate(now())),0
    "<tr bgcolor='Yellow'><td>ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.LicenseNumber</th><td>ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.LineNumber</td><td>ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.LastProducingUWI</td><td>ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.activity_type</td><td>rule!displayDateTimeListSimple(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.LastProdDate)</th><td>rule!displayDateTimeListSimple(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.DateofNonCompliance)</td><td>if(rule!lengthNullSafe(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.DateofNonCompliance) = 0,null(),if(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.DateofNonCompliance > todate(now()),
    if((if(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.DateofNonCompliance > todate(now()),tointeger(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.DateofNonCompliance-todate(now())),0
    )<=97),"<tr bgcolor='Orange'><td>ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.LicenseNumber</th><td>ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.LineNumber</td><td>ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.LastProducingUWI</td><td>ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.activity_type</td><td>rule!displayDateTimeListSimple(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.LastProdDate)</th><td>rule!displayDateTimeListSimple(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.DateofNonCompliance)</td><td>if(rule!lengthNullSafe(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.DateofNonCompliance) = 0,null(),if(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.DateofNonCompliance > todate(now()),
    if((if(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.DateofNonCompliance > todate(now()),tointeger(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.DateofNonCompliance-todate(now())),0
    )<=0),"<tr bgcolor='Yellow'><td>ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.LicenseNumber</th><td>ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.LineNumber</td><td>ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.LastProducingUWI</td><td>ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.activity_type</td><td>rule!displayDateTimeListSimple(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.LastProdDate)</th><td>rule!displayDateTimeListSimple(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.DateofNonCompliance)</td><td>if(rule!lengthNullSafe(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.DateofNonCompliance) = 0,null(),if(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList.DateofNonCompliance > todate(now()),

    Please suggest the way to loop and form the table row data .Also , need to sort the data based on column DateofNonCompliance
  • +2
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Soujanya B

    Hi Soujanya B (soujanyab0001) i have tried to build a similar type of rule as yours to generate the template having table structure with dynamic data into their cells by considering apply() instead of a!forEach() as you are working with Appian 16.3, please find the source code below:


    Parent rule, which is needed to be invoke inside Email body:

    "<table style='width:100%' border='1'>
    <tr bgcolor='blue'>
    <th>License Number</th>
    <th>Line Number </th>
    <th>Last Producing UWI</th>
    <th>Activity Type</th>
    <th>LastProduction Date</th>
    <th>Date of Non-Compliance</th>
    <th>Days to Non-Compliance</th>
        PRTRR_PipelineList: ri!PRTRR_PipelineList, 
        index: _
          enumerate(1 + length(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList))
    <font color='yellow'>YELLOW </font><legend>-> Inactive Lines Requiring a Decision</legend><br></br><font color='orange'>ORANGE </font><legend>-> Non-Compliance Imminent </legend><br></br><font color='red'>ORANGE</font><legend>-> Non-Compliant Pipelines </legend>"

    let's consider the rule input: PRTRR_PipelineList is of type CDT (Array) or Any Type here.


    The Child rule which is responsible to form <td> having dynamic content for it's cell let's say: PRTRR_CreateEmailBodySectionTable

      "<td>"&index(index(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList, "lineNumber", null()), ri!index, null())&"</td>",
      "<td>"&index(index(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList, "uwi", null()), ri!index, null())&"</td>",
      "<td>"&index(index(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList, "activity", null()), ri!index, null())&"</td>",
      "<td>"&index(index(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList, "lastprod", null()), ri!index, null())&"</td>",
      "<td>"&index(index(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList, "nonComp", null()), ri!index, null())&"</td>",
      "<td>"&index(index(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList, "daysTo", null()), ri!index, null())&"</td>",
      "<td>"&index(index(ri!PRTRR_PipelineList, "daysToNonCompliance", null()), ri!index, null())&"</td>",

    here we have 2 rule inputs: 

    ri!index                       -> Type ->  Number(Integer)

    ri!PRTRR_PipelineList    -> Type ->  CDT (Array) or Any Type


    You can modify the property names inside this Child rule as per your cdt properties such as: ActivityType, LastProductionDate etc.. and also you can have any conditional pre-check if required as per your business requirement.


    in my case: following is the input for the Parent rule, for demo: 

    		lineNumber: 123,
    		uwi: "abc",
    		activity: "test",
    		lastprod: today(),
    		nonComp: today()+1,
    		daysTo: 2,
    		daysToNonCompliance: 6
    		lineNumber: 456,
    		uwi: "def",
    		activity: "test1",
    		lastprod: today()+5,
    		nonComp: today()+6,
    		daysTo: 6,
    		daysToNonCompliance: 17

    which you need to change with your data, at later point of time.


    So at the end, when the parent rule executes, this generates your required response as shown below:


    Hope this will help you in building Dynamic Email Body for your scenario.