Wizard Form vs Chained User Input Tasks for a user form flow

What is the preferred way to build out a user form flow (complete screen one to fill out general info, complete screen two to fill out detailed info, screen three is confirmation / submission)?  When would you choose a wizard form (one sail interface that controls the flow and saves all the values) vs a process model that calls multiple user input tasks as the user progresses in the form flow?

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  • By using a single interface for a wizard, you throw away what is (in my opinion) one of Appian's best features - the process history. It is far, far easier to debug even a relatively simple wizard when you can see, step-by-step, the actions a user has taken. Clearly this should be caveated; as very large amounts of data in lots of processes such as this could cause memory issues.
  • By using a single interface for a wizard, you throw away what is (in my opinion) one of Appian's best features - the process history. It is far, far easier to debug even a relatively simple wizard when you can see, step-by-step, the actions a user has taken. Clearly this should be caveated; as very large amounts of data in lots of processes such as this could cause memory issues.
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