expression rule vs decision


     I know decision designer is new feature.

     Would like to check what are best use cases for writing expression rules  and  best use cases write decision rules? 

     Where are these decision rules are going to stored. Do we have access these tables         

      Can we group decision rules under one rule set and make use of them in another rule?  Can we use this decision designer as a typical rule engine(IBM ODM,DROOLS,PEGA rule engine) functionality?


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  • Hi krisk,
    Expression rules are mainly used to build the business logic.Expression rules can be reused across multiple objects throughout the system.There are 2 ways to test the rule in the expression rule designer adhoc testing and test cases.Expression rules commonly validate that a value is what is expected in a process or interface. It is also used to manipulate a complex data type or Appian object input which could result in varied outputs. Where as for Decision:

    Decision: There are times where you might want a Decision to return more than just a single type of value. For example, you might have an interface where users apply for a credit card. Using the information they provided you can decide whether they get approved for the card or not, but you can also determine what message to display on the next page of the form, all from a single Decision.
    ("Decisions can be exposed to certain users in a limited editing mode that allows these users to update the business rules of the Decision but not change the structure of the Decision (to limit the affects of all the other application objects using the Decision").

    I would suggest you to create your own expression rule and decision by following the steps which were mentioned in the documentation, so that you will get to know the difference in detail.

  • Hi krisk,
    Expression rules are mainly used to build the business logic.Expression rules can be reused across multiple objects throughout the system.There are 2 ways to test the rule in the expression rule designer adhoc testing and test cases.Expression rules commonly validate that a value is what is expected in a process or interface. It is also used to manipulate a complex data type or Appian object input which could result in varied outputs. Where as for Decision:

    Decision: There are times where you might want a Decision to return more than just a single type of value. For example, you might have an interface where users apply for a credit card. Using the information they provided you can decide whether they get approved for the card or not, but you can also determine what message to display on the next page of the form, all from a single Decision.
    ("Decisions can be exposed to certain users in a limited editing mode that allows these users to update the business rules of the Decision but not change the structure of the Decision (to limit the affects of all the other application objects using the Decision").

    I would suggest you to create your own expression rule and decision by following the steps which were mentioned in the documentation, so that you will get to know the difference in detail.

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