Analyst Credential Exam Preparation

Hi , 


I want to start preparation for Analyst Credential exam. But i don't know where i can collect tutorials for this or any sample questions which will help to exact course content.


If anyone has nay idea about this than please let me know.

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  • Hi Saurav,

    As others have mentioned, the best way to prepare for the Analyst (and Designer) Credentials is to complete the courses available in Appian Academy Online. When you log into Academy, select the option to Learn By Role. If you select this option, you will see the content for the Analyst and Business course, which covers the content for the Analyst Credential. Some of these courses have sample quizzes that help to review concepts in these courses.


    Of course, you can also enroll in one of our instructor-led training courses. All content for the credentials are covered in these courses, and more information on enrolling in these courses is available here. The 3-Day Business course and all Designer courses cover the material for the Analyst Credential. Lastly, you can also review content through the Appian Documentation or discussions on Community.




  • Hi Saurav,

    As others have mentioned, the best way to prepare for the Analyst (and Designer) Credentials is to complete the courses available in Appian Academy Online. When you log into Academy, select the option to Learn By Role. If you select this option, you will see the content for the Analyst and Business course, which covers the content for the Analyst Credential. Some of these courses have sample quizzes that help to review concepts in these courses.


    Of course, you can also enroll in one of our instructor-led training courses. All content for the credentials are covered in these courses, and more information on enrolling in these courses is available here. The 3-Day Business course and all Designer courses cover the material for the Analyst Credential. Lastly, you can also review content through the Appian Documentation or discussions on Community.




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