Date time to date


I am trying to create a query entity. I have the following fields in the database: trans_date(datetime variable), trans_id(number),trans_amount(number). I am trying to write a query to return the sum of all transactions today. the only issue i am facing is to find the transactions today as trans_date is a datetime variable. I cannot filter this field using 'today' because type mismatch. I can only filter it with now() which results in 0 results as expected.  I also tried field: todate("trans_date") which resulted in error.

Also, when I try to include trans_date in aggregation for grouping it only groups the transactions that happened at the exact same time as it is a date time variable.


Any help is appreciated



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  • To the best of my knowledge, we cannot adjust the column value inside a query filter. I think the workaround in your case would be to use a "between" operator by providing timestamp values (beginning of the day, end of day).

    field: "trans_date",
    operator: "between",
    value: {
    todatetime(today()) ,

    That being said, this may work for a select query with query filter, but cannot be aggregated upon. The best solution is to create a view based on the existing table with desired column(s) (date column in this case) and then use query aggregation on this view.
  • To the best of my knowledge, we cannot adjust the column value inside a query filter. I think the workaround in your case would be to use a "between" operator by providing timestamp values (beginning of the day, end of day).

    field: "trans_date",
    operator: "between",
    value: {
    todatetime(today()) ,

    That being said, this may work for a select query with query filter, but cannot be aggregated upon. The best solution is to create a view based on the existing table with desired column(s) (date column in this case) and then use query aggregation on this view.