Activity Chaining Issue : Which is better - to use a Submit Button or a!startProcess from a normal Button

A Score Level 1

Hi All,

We are currently developing an application which is having a Huge number of Objects/Nodes in Process Model and with Activity Chaining, persisting a lot of Data, performing a lot of other operations as well Using a Submit Button and coming back to the same page.

I have a functionality in a sub process which is a parallel process on calling multiple Integrations from external Sources, using this on the main process Model with activity chaining on the Submit Action. 

I have faced an issue where the activity chaining breaks and the applications shows the home page.

We need a solution where we have decided to make the above specified functionality independent.

So my question is : which is better .. Pros and Cons : 

1. Use the same Submit Button which calls the Parent Process Model, which in turns call the Sub Process only (based on Condition), so making it independent.

2. Use a!startProcess function : call the sub-Process on Button click(No Submit Button) from interface independently and display the updated details in back to the Interface.


Please let me know which is the best approach and what can i implement to optimize the whole

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  • As per best practice:

    Calling integration in the UI will lead to bad user experience. So its better to avoid.

    Placing integration calls in the process flow with activity chaining is prone to chain breaking. Better to make it independent by making it parallel flow.

    Optimize the nodes in the process wherever its possible.

    Ensure that, you are not keeping more than 50 activity chaining  nodes.

    As per your scenario I would suggest to:

    1. Keep the refresh button(conditional) in the Submit form.

    2. Make the sub-process that calls integration services as parallel flow after form submit. Store the data that you want to display in the form.

    3. Once the form is submitted, you will be getting the same form with refresh button.

    4. Click the refresh button to load the the stored data (from step 2) .

    Please have a look at the high-level diagram in the attachment


  • As per best practice:

    Calling integration in the UI will lead to bad user experience. So its better to avoid.

    Placing integration calls in the process flow with activity chaining is prone to chain breaking. Better to make it independent by making it parallel flow.

    Optimize the nodes in the process wherever its possible.

    Ensure that, you are not keeping more than 50 activity chaining  nodes.

    As per your scenario I would suggest to:

    1. Keep the refresh button(conditional) in the Submit form.

    2. Make the sub-process that calls integration services as parallel flow after form submit. Store the data that you want to display in the form.

    3. Once the form is submitted, you will be getting the same form with refresh button.

    4. Click the refresh button to load the the stored data (from step 2) .

    Please have a look at the high-level diagram in the attachment


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