We have a user picker that needs to be able to have an "other" option. This is because many of the users won't have accounts as of yet, as we are using SAML.
We have found 2 potential ways of doing this but are unsure on which would be best practice or if there is another option:
1. User a userpickerfield and create a user called "Other"
2. Use a customPickerField with with a rule that gets all users in a group using groupMemebers() and append "Other" to this list. However, due to the fact that we could have over 10,000 user groupMembers() won't return them all so we would need to have a rule that gets the first 10,000 then the next 10,000 and so on using the start index on the paging info.
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We have a mandatory question in a form which asks for a name. This name should come from the list of users, however, in some cases that user may not have accessed the environment yet and so an account would not have been created yet for them. In this scenario we need an 'other' option for them to select so that they can populate a text field the name of the person.
Well, since you're reliant on the end User to decide whether to pick 'Other' (when they can't find the User in the picker) why not have a separate component that they can simply fill out the details of the User they can't find.