How to link from an entry within a record list to another record list with some user filter?

Certified Associate Developer

Please consider the following scenario:

  1. We have a list of records, say of different task within a certain todo-list. Each record has entries like "task name", "deadline", ... as well as "parent-todo-list".
  2. Furthermore, I have a list of records of these "parent-todo-list" as primary column, and additional information about each of the todo-lists such as "owner of the todo-list" etc.
  3. I would now like to have links pointing from the first list to the second one. More specifically, if I click on "Nick's shopping list", I would like to have a corresponding user-filter automatically set when I click.

Is that at all possible? How do I proceed?

I searched in the documentation, and it was suggested to use the hard-coded URLs in the lin, which I prefer not to do. Other discussion threads were rather old, or linking to documentation pages which no longer exist, or both. Example:

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