Appian Source/Version/Change Control for 2021

Hi Appioans,

I work on a large Appian-based system with several developers (~14) who at any given time can be touching/changing multiple objects.  We have developed an Agile way of working around Appian that has proved pretty successful up to now.  We have ceremonies in place to plan small, encapsulated changes on JIRA tickets.  The developers wrap all the objects required for their fix/change/enhancement in an application (which maps to the JIRA ticket) and go to great lengths to list every object that they change onto the JIRA tickets as they go.  Before deployments into other environments two or three of our team spend a great deal of time and effort making sure that tickets haven't become entangled by shared objects.  This becomes especially difficult if things get moved back to DEV from UAT.  We have now reached a point where there is just so much change happening this is becoming unmanageable.  

In 2021 what is the best approach for managing change and versioning in Appian?  I'd like to hear some real-world examples of managing big Appian projects.  

From the playbook I can see:  Has anyone had any success in implementing this?

My objective is to get Appian to behave a bit more like a classical web-development project where developers have a local branch they can develop to and then deployments to UAT could be built on a ticket by ticket basis, importing only the changes that were made on tha ticket.  

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  • Hi Tom,

    thank you for sending this post. I am actually looking for an answer for exact same issue. My team wants to use Appian but before that we want to make sure about the source version capabilities that Appian can offer to us. Macedon application pipeline solution described by Josh below is a paid solution. Has your team addressed this issue? How do you manage change and versioning in Appian now?

  • Hi Tom,

    thank you for sending this post. I am actually looking for an answer for exact same issue. My team wants to use Appian but before that we want to make sure about the source version capabilities that Appian can offer to us. Macedon application pipeline solution described by Josh below is a paid solution. Has your team addressed this issue? How do you manage change and versioning in Appian now?

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