Validations in IDP

Our Requirement is , x person will upload a loan form along with his government ID Proof , in our configured idp model. So when we are in reconcile screen we need to validate the name in the application form and id proof ,if matches its fine or else we need to display an error on name field , that name doesn't match with id proof - all this tasks should be done before we click on reconcile button

NOTE: We are merging the two pdfs into one (1 is loan application form and the other is his id proof ex-Aadhar) , when we upload after the idp processing , we will be routed to reconcile screen where we will accept the task and we will reconcile - there in that screen we need to validate two documents . (like example- name in the application should match name in the aadhar card)

is , there any way to solve this problem .

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  • i have a hard time to get your problem as it reads to me as an IS situation ? 
    Can you a bit more sharp in the difference of your "IS" situation and "TARGET" you try to archive?

  • Thanks richard , actually the problem is -- while we running the  idp we need to validate the fields of the document uploaded for

    the idp- example : say like i have merged two documents and uploaded 2 documents for idp processing - i think to here it is ok   ---- so then after idp processing we will land into this type of interface , so in this screen we need to validate for example divide this screen (which ss i attached) into 2 parts - so left side u can see the extracted data and right side we have extracted document - here question is for suppose if customer uploads 2 different documents  and had name conflict , we need to show a validation for name that the name is missmatch , is there any possible way to clear this issue