Hi all,
This is my uses case. I have a reference table with 2 columns (id(PK) and description) with all the possible statuses: 1 - Ongoing; 2 - Completed, .....
I need to insert an entity case, that it has a FK to that statuses. For instance, idCase = 1, idStatus = 1.
So my question is, what is the best approach to map the value (Ongoing, Completed, ...) into my case CDT?
My initial approach is to have a CONSTANT with the status values: "Ongoing", "Completed" and get the id by a query rule to the table status.
Thanks in advance.
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1. Save the status ID in case table
2. If you are using latest version of Appian Create a Case Record and add status reference as a related record and add status coulmn to case record
3. if you are using old version of Appian, create a View by joining case and status table, then create a record with that view
Refer Appian documentation here for more details https://docs.appian.com/suite/help/23.1/record-type-relationships.html
Hi Rafael,
I would suggest to set status Id into the constant and map it to case cdt based on your workflow status.
Eg if the flow is in progress
For Records
you can create view for Case
put join for status table where statusId=idstatus
Best option is to use the record relationship.