How to use Tempo site effectively?

Certified Senior Developer

How to use Tempo effective?

Why Tempo shows me reports that were created just to allow interface to be visible on page (in Appian 20.4 you had to create report to add such report as page to site.

Why Tempo shows me tasks on processes to which I do not have access?

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  • Certified Lead Developer

    My experience in recent years tells me to just not use Tempo. While I like the idea of enterprise wide collaboration, I just never got my clients to accept the required change in working culture.

    Now we create one or more sites per application and once we have more users who use multiple applications, we somehow recreate tempo as users want a landing page on which they can find all their tasks in one list. Then we discuss how to get rid of all the task report customizations we had to implement before.

  • Certified Lead Developer

    My experience in recent years tells me to just not use Tempo. While I like the idea of enterprise wide collaboration, I just never got my clients to accept the required change in working culture.

    Now we create one or more sites per application and once we have more users who use multiple applications, we somehow recreate tempo as users want a landing page on which they can find all their tasks in one list. Then we discuss how to get rid of all the task report customizations we had to implement before.
