how can I prepopulate the fields of current task with previous completed task details

Certified Associate Developer

how can I prepopulate the fields of current task with previous completed task details?

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    There are as many valid answers to this as there are different implementation approaches - if you're looking for something specific, or having issues with anything in particular, you'll need to provide quite a bit more detail in order to wring anything useful out of us here.

    However in general, the answer to this will always be some variation of: for task 1, pass any details (usually centered around user-entered info) out into PV data, and for subsequent task(s), pass any relevant information into the task form via rule input(s).

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer

    There are as many valid answers to this as there are different implementation approaches - if you're looking for something specific, or having issues with anything in particular, you'll need to provide quite a bit more detail in order to wring anything useful out of us here.

    However in general, the answer to this will always be some variation of: for task 1, pass any details (usually centered around user-entered info) out into PV data, and for subsequent task(s), pass any relevant information into the task form via rule input(s).

  • 0
    Certified Associate Developer
    in reply to Mike Schmitt


    Thank you for the reply. In detailed manner I will explain here for example if there is form with name,age,mail,country fileds .Once the user fill this form it was stored into data store right.

    My requirement is how can I prepopulate the form details of previously completed tasks in the current task.

    Hope I explained in better way If you have any solution please share with me.

  • +1
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to sireesha
    My requirement is how can I prepopulate the form details of previously completed tasks in the current task.

    My assumption is that "the current task" is a subsequent task in the same process instance as the "previously completed task".  Assuming this is true, then what I said above, and what Romulo demonstrated in their series of screenshots above, is applicable to your case.  That is, the earlier task(s) will need to be configured to save their data / changes into the Process PV(s), and then subsequent task(s) will need to be configured to pass any necessary value(s) into their Task Forms.

    The necessary configuration for this is of a fairly basic level in terms of learning Appian development, so I'd recommend you complete the Appian-supplied training course(s) on Process Model design as these concepts should be covered there.  Have you explored any of the available online courses yet?