AUP for Developers

I'm looking for suggestions for an Authorized Use Policy for individuals granted admin permissions in our Appian site. 

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  • Sure! My organization is building a small development team that will be working within Appian. This team will have access to sensitive and confidential data that is processed through the systems we are building. We will also have the ability to build and modify systems our organization will depend on (aka basic things system admins/developers can do). 

    Currently, we don't have any authorized use policy, code of conduct, duty of care, or any other standards/policies that we give to staff operating in this capacity. As part of initiating this new development team, I would like to implement improvements in the way we set expectations and hold accountable people granted such power.

  • Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to Delilah

    This might be a good place to start but I would definitely advise you to consult with your legal team.