I have a data type for a SQL view TOS_CMS_VW_ClergyTitleStatusTypeDSE. It contains fields describing various clergy members. I want Clergy Id and Clergy Full Name in a lookup on an interface. ClergyID is an integer and ClergyFullName is a text field.
I created a constant for the data type and I am not trying to create a expression to pull the two fields I want for the dropdown, ClergyID and ClergyFullName.
a!queryEntity( entity: cons!TOS_CMS_VW_ClergyTitleStatusTypeDSE, query: a!query( selection: { a!querySelection(columns: a!queryColumn(cons!TOS_CMS_VW_ClergyTitleStatusTypeDSE.clergyId)), a!qyerySelection(columns: a!queryColumn(cons!TOS_CMS_VW_ClergyTitleStatusTypeDSE.clergyfullname)) }, pagingInfo: a!pagingInfo( startIndex: 1, batchSize: 500, sort: a!sortInfo( field: cons!TOS_CMS_VW_ClergyTitleStatusTypeDSE.clergyfullname, ascending: true() ), ) ))
This throws an error "Expression evaluation error at function a!queryColumn [line 5]: Invalid index: Cannot index property 'clergyId' of type Text into type Data Store Entity" even though clergyId is an integer.
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