Record Relationships

Hi everyone,

I'm seeking guidance on best practices for handling a specific scenario in Appian. Here’s the situation:

I have two records:

  • Record A, with a primary key column named A1.
  • Record B, with a primary key column named B1.

There is a one-to-many relationship from Record A to Record B. I'm retrieving data of Record B using the 'relationship/related record data' from Record A, in both interfaces and expression rules. I've also defined the reverse relationship in Record B as many-to-one from Record B to Record A using the same column.

However, when deploying, I encounter an issue with missing objects.

Could you advise on the best course of action or Appian best practices for managing this type of relationship? Is there a recommended approach to avoid such issues in the future, or is there an alternative method for defining relationships?


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Parents Reply
  • here is the more information about relationship

    record A - column A1(pk)
    recprd B - column B1(pk), column A1(fk)

    relation in record A as one to many via A1-> A1(fk) - [using this throught the application for filtering, retriving data [less then 10 rowa] ]
    relation in record B as many to one Via A1(fk)->A1 - [using this throught the application for filtering, retriving data]
