Logo is Missing for Tasks

While the customer is performing operation through tasks, he was not able to look out his LOGO. And Appian did not give any option to place the customers LOGO. The whole screen is looking like working for Appian only. But while we are working for the customer we have to satisfy his requirement. So kindly consider this suggestion and provide a way to place the customer's LOGO on the screen.


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  • Also note that the logo does get displayed in left side navigation when you are in task list view. but not on the actual task. I think it makes sense - Appian has maximized the screen space for the UI of task forms. Displaying a logo on task form will take away some space - already the logo is displayed near the users profile picture.
  • Also note that the logo does get displayed in left side navigation when you are in task list view. but not on the actual task. I think it makes sense - Appian has maximized the screen space for the UI of task forms. Displaying a logo on task form will take away some space - already the logo is displayed near the users profile picture.
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