Query Database Smart Service

We have a use case where we need to pull data from another system.  The only way to access the data in the other system is by querying the data from its MS SQL Server Database.  The data is in a view.  I've built a CDT and mapped it to the view and created datastore.  Query Rules and query entities both timeout before returning the results.  If I use a process model and a query DB smart service with a query with a hardcoded condition (ex. select bac, acwp, bcws, bcwp from evm.subprojectevdata where subprojectid = 20321), the query executes perfectly (< 500 ms)...however if i substitute the hardcoded condition for an ACP, the query takes over 2 minutes execute.  We are running Appian v7.11...

We are setting up a test environment where we will turn on SQL Trace/Debug logging in JBoss to see how the queries are being formed.

Any thoughts?  Any one else experience this behavior? 

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  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    It looks like that view has a performance issue. Too many rows may be getting return causing that view to timeout on the Appian side. Lower the batch size and try running it again. You may want to make sure you're following best practices. I know removing sub-queries and joining on tables has better performance.
  • We've reduced batch size to 1, no impact. We've tested query performance directly in DB and it executes in well under 1 sec. We've tested using the query DB smart service, mixed results depending on whether the "where" parameter is hard-coded or not. Unfortunately, we cannot reduce any subqueries because of the way the data is organized in the tables.
  • I agree with Jamal's estimation. To improve performance, could you update the source to be a materialized view or some snapshot table that's updated at regular intervals?

    If that's not possible, you can look into adding indexes or refactoring the query to be more performant.
  • Not sure how much more performance I can get from the query or the view that I am querying, my real concern is over the drastic difference in performance on the Appian side between using an ACP to define a dynamic parameter for the "where" condition versus hard-coding a value into that condition. When executed from SQL command line, the query can pull 4 rows of data in less than 100 milliseconds. When executing using hard-coded values in the "where" condition using the Query DB Smart Service, I get similar response time. However, by simply substituing the hard-coded values for an ACP that I set external that node now takes > 2 minutes to exectute. Seems more like an Appian related issue than a database problem.

    Using the Query Database Smart Service:
    method 1: select bac, acwp, bcws, bcwp from evm.subprojectevdata where subprojectid = 20321, < 100 milliseconds to execute
    method 2: select bac, acwp, bcws, bcwp from evm.subprojectevdata where subprojectid = ac!subprojectId, >2 mins to execute, with ac!subproject = 20321

    We are trying to do this to create a snapshot table to reduce the impact of extremely poor table design in another system. Right now, we are developing a smart service to perform the query...not sure if that will improve performance or not.

    Thanks for recommendations...we'll rexamine our efforts in those areas.
  • Not sure how much more performance I can get from the query or the view that I am querying, my real concern is over the drastic difference in performance on the Appian side between using an ACP to define a dynamic parameter for the "where" condition versus hard-coding a value into that condition. When executed from SQL command line, the query can pull 4 rows of data in less than 100 milliseconds. When executing using hard-coded values in the "where" condition using the Query DB Smart Service, I get similar response time. However, by simply substituing the hard-coded values for an ACP that I set external that node now takes > 2 minutes to exectute. Seems more like an Appian related issue than a database problem.

    Using the Query Database Smart Service:
    method 1: select bac, acwp, bcws, bcwp from evm.subprojectevdata where subprojectid = 20321, < 100 milliseconds to execute
    method 2: select bac, acwp, bcws, bcwp from evm.subprojectevdata where subprojectid = ac!subprojectId, >2 mins to execute, with ac!subproject = 20321

    We are trying to do this to create a snapshot table to reduce the impact of extremely poor table design in another system. Right now, we are developing a smart service to perform the query...not sure if that will improve performance or not.

    Thanks for recommendations...we'll rexamine our efforts in those areas.