I have a requirement to link to an Appian record dashboard (entity-backed) from

I have a requirement to link to an Appian record dashboard (entity-backed) from an external system. I plan to retrieve the Record Opaque ID from the urlforrecord() function in process and write it to an Oracle DB. The external system will use this DB entry to build an intuitive URL for the record dashboard. My question is: 1) will this opaque ID remain unchanged in my environment, even after an engine restart? and 2) will this opaque ID change between environments (Dev, QA, Prod)?...



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  • Thanks Saytha, that's what I was looking for. I wanted to make sure I could store the Opaque ID and have that be a reliable way to access the record dashboard.
    Originally I thought the PK would be used to generate the record dashboard URL so I was surprised to see an Appian generated string.

    One last question: do you know if that Opaque ID is stored in the Appian-required metadata DB? It'd be great if it was so I didn't have to add another column to my DB. I looked but didn't see it in there.
  • Thanks Saytha, that's what I was looking for. I wanted to make sure I could store the Opaque ID and have that be a reliable way to access the record dashboard.
    Originally I thought the PK would be used to generate the record dashboard URL so I was surprised to see an Appian generated string.

    One last question: do you know if that Opaque ID is stored in the Appian-required metadata DB? It'd be great if it was so I didn't have to add another column to my DB. I looked but didn't see it in there.
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