How to retain checkbox value

Certified Associate Developer

Hello All,


I'm trying to add checkbox control inside my interface form. Requirement is to just display the single checkbox. Below is the code im using








The issue happening here is related to the checkbox value. Whenever I checked the box and click anywhere else, It automatically gets unchecked. Can someone please tell me how to retain its value? Also I'm calling this checkbox through rule in the main interface form. Whenever I open the main interface form and clicks the checkbox, Its value remains null 

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  • there are several reasons why this may happen. if the ri!choiceValue is not passed correctly to an ac! and then the ac! with its value being a pv! then this issue can happen. or else if you are not matching up the ri!choiceValue to a correct column in the CDT, for instance choiceValues was set as "1"...which is a string and if you are saving this to a cdt that has an integer column, then this can happen.
  • there are several reasons why this may happen. if the ri!choiceValue is not passed correctly to an ac! and then the ac! with its value being a pv! then this issue can happen. or else if you are not matching up the ri!choiceValue to a correct column in the CDT, for instance choiceValues was set as "1"...which is a string and if you are saving this to a cdt that has an integer column, then this can happen.