Batch size in query Entity


We are facing a wired issue. We are having a query entity with selection only, when we test it with batch size 50 it takes more time as compared when we use it with -1 batch size. Can anyone explain why? and how batch size query.


Thanks & Regards

Sahil Batra

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  • Hi Sahil - 

    A query batch size helps Appian both retrieve and display large data sets in an efficient way by allowing designers to design UIs and components to retrieve a subset of data while showing a count of the full data set.

    For example, when the batch size is set to 100, indicating the designer wants to first use or show the top 100 results, Appian first retrieves the total count of the target database entity. This allows the application to retrieve the first batch only (in this example, the top 100 rows), and to then indicate to the end user or system how many more results exist.

    When batch size is set to -1, the effective batch size is unlimited. There is no preliminary count query when batch size is unlimited, (and hence the reduced latency, i.e. it's faster).

    The risks associated with this setting are as follows:

    1. Less control over query response size: Without a specified limit on the number of rows returned, the response size could be large in the case of query parameters that return more than one row. As a platform guardrail, by default Appian will throw an error to end user anytime query response exceeds 1MB.

    2. Potential for unexpected behavior: If the query returns more records than expected, a dependent interface expecting a limited result set that contains this unbounded query might not behave as expected.  When receiving the unbounded number of rows in a query response, the user interface or other application component needs to handle the results appropriately.

    Use of an unlimited batch size is discouraged in situations where the length of the response is unknown, as it increases the likelihood of risk #1 mentioned above. 

  • Hello Rob,

    Thank you very much for your reply, It is very helpful and clear all my questions related to batchSize.
    Thanks Thanks
  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to sahilb346
    Hi All,

    Just to add to the above query, we faced an issue with the sort parameter wherein if we mention the sort in paging info, the amount of time taken to retrieve the data was more if the back end data count was high.

    My understanding is if the data set in the db is high say 1000s and if we try to get only say 10 records by applying a sort it takes more time when compared to no sort as the query will run on the whole set. Any suggestions on how this scenario can be better implemented.

  • 0
    Certified Lead Developer
    in reply to sahilb346
    Hi All,

    Just to add to the above query, we faced an issue with the sort parameter wherein if we mention the sort in paging info, the amount of time taken to retrieve the data was more if the back end data count was high.

    My understanding is if the data set in the db is high say 1000s and if we try to get only say 10 records by applying a sort it takes more time when compared to no sort as the query will run on the whole set. Any suggestions on how this scenario can be better implemented.

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