How to convert a datetime in Appian to MS SQL Server DB format "2015-05-24 09:00:00"

Scenario: Trying to pass a JSon request in integration call like below. The external web api is expecting a datetime data type in custom object. The CDT has date time in "Text" type. Tried with both "Text" and "datetime" types but same problem.


 The above request param, transforms to below format after conversion with datetime function. This is the actual requested being sent over to external Web Api and is not as expected with incorrect format of date.

 Id: 1 Team: "XXX" RequestedDate: "5/22/2018 11:19 AM GMT+00:00" PublishedOnKls: "5/22/2018 11:19 AM GMT+00:00" SentForPublishing: "5/22/2018 11:19 AM GMT+00:00" Status: "New" BookerFirstName: "Anusha" BookerLastName: "Samineni"


But the format external Web Api expects is below:


 Please advice on how to send in the correct format "2015-05-24 09:00:00"?

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